Year End Reflection and Celebration of God’s Faithfulness!
/This time every year,
I have the opportunity to reflect back on the last 12 months of ministry opportunities. It gives me a reason to pause, give thanks to God, and share the progress with you. Here are a few highlights from the past year and some opportunities that are on the horizon in 2019:
New Book! Unstuck: A Nine-Step Journey to Change that Lasts
By far, the most significant work I have done over the past year is complete a new book on growth in grace. My primary goal in writing Unstuck was to encourage people that change is possible. What people need is help connecting their daily struggles to their relationship with God. The result is a 150-page, accessible book that takes the reader on a path towards getting unstuck in any area of their lives. It is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and will begin shipping January 1, 2019.
Travel and Teaching Opportunities
Hove, uk. Teaching leaders about Addictions and anger. November 2018.
These speaking events are always so encouraging as I watch people find help in the moment. They also help me develop material that finds its way into my writing. Here are just a few from 2018 and some upcoming trips in 2019:
Virginia Beach: Marriage Seminar
Montreal, Canada: Pastors’ Retreat
Vancouver, British Columbia: Marriage Seminar
Pennsylvania: Emotional Intelligence and the Gospel
Southern England: November 4-12, 2018
Gainesville, Florida: January 11-12, 2019 – Cultivating Your Marriage
Northern and Midlands England: January 20-28, 2019—Unstuck: A Nine Step Journey to Change that Lasts
Toronto, CA. Redemption Community Church: February 9-8-9, 2019—Unstuck: A Nine-Step Journey to Change that Lasts
Montreal, Canada: February 15-16, 2019 – Cultivating Your Marriage
Suffolk, VA: February 22-24, 2019 – Redeeming Sex
Jacksonville, FL: September 13-14, 2019. Cultivating Your Marriage
In November 2018, I was in southern England teaching to several churches. I focused on the content in my latest book as well as addictions, conflict and marriage. In January 2019, I will return to the North and Midlands regions of England to teach on the same material. Each of these areas will provide an opportunity to teach pastors and lay-people representing hundreds of churches in the UK.
Tunbridge Wells, UK
Counseling and Consultations
Since last year, the number of counseling and consulting hours has increased quite a bit. I continue to work with leaders in several regions (Australia, UK, Canada, US). As the counseling hours have increased, they have been helpful for me as I speak and write. The actual practice of counseling has provided opportunities to grow personally both in grace and skill. I am thankful for how God uses those who come to me for help to humble me and increase my desire to grow.
Montreal, Canada
Thank You for Your Prayer and Support
I am grateful to have people who are praying for the work of the Institute, as well as those who invest in what we do. Would you consider donating to the Institute for Pastoral Care? You can do that by going to You can make a one-time tax-deductible donation or set up a recurring donation.
It is a great privilege to do the work we are doing at the Institute for Pastoral Care! Your prayers and support are of great encouragement to us.
With gratitude,
Dr. Tim S. Lane